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Friday, June 3, 2011

sad story 2

A women walk off from the men that she just slap and humiliate. giving the man a cold sadness and despair.. thinking what he had done to receive those words.

They was once a happy loving couple until the day that the man saw the women he love in his friend's arm.. He hides his anger and act like it never happen and thought of it as a trick of his eyes. He ignore the fact that the women is cheating on him.. although it is true

A year has passed, lots of story has he heard.
a lot drama has he seen.
but he ignored it blankly. then when he was eating with his niece, the women came
and slap him and humiliate him without giving the chance for the man to reason out.
she then walk off in anger and went straight towards a busy road not knowing there is a car moving fast towards her..
Then everything went dark.

The next day she woke up realizing she is in hospital later ask her parents, what had happen..
the mother said that she has been in an accident with a car. the women ask her mother again, "then why i am not badly injured?" her mother shook her head with tears dropping out. "you was not badly injured because your boyfriend, has pushed you aside and take the hit by himself."

The women was in shock and yelled out asking about the man, then stood there was a woman who was with the man he loved when everything happens.
Every words, every insults... the woman introduced herself as his niece and told everything.
She said that the man knows everything about the woman's doing, they met because of that problems.
the man was trying to find a solution.
she even showed the women a video of her action with a guy on a bed.

The women gasps for air. tears fall out. then she thought. "that was half a year ago!".. the niece then said he knew about this for quite a long time.. then the women ask the niece about the man but the niece instead answering the question, she gave the women a piece of paper with a short sentence.

"It is from that day."

she read out the notes "My dear, Lissa." but she then noticed that half of the pieces was ripped apart

the women is confused but then burst to tears again after seeing the half of the paper appear to be attached with a box written out "will u marry me?"

the niece then said
"congratulations you are officially engage and my condolences.
your fiancé just died for your sake."

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